Noted Surgeon Predicts 10 Trends for Transgender Americans in 2016


(Bala Cynwyd, PA) Dr. Sherman Leis, founder of The Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery, one of the leading resources for transgender surgery and medical support in the United States, has identified 10 important trends that will affect America and its transgender community in 2016.

According to Dr. Leis, "Although it is true that America has made great strides forward in the area of transgender rights and acceptance, there is still great misunderstanding and a wealth of opportunities for improvement. That said, we are quite pleased to see that momentum is moving in the right direction,"

Dr. Leis' annual list of trends for 2016 includes:

1) The U.S. government will enhance its leadership in "normalizing" life for transgender people in America. Through its policies and programs, the government will broaden its inclusion of the transgender community in its diversity initiatives, encompassing all aspects of American life and culture, and expanding well beyond health insurance.

2) Health care insurance will evolve from paying lip service in covering transgender care, to providing realistic support and care for transgender people. Although it is true that today, The Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Medicaid all do offer benefits for transgender people, many are limited and unrealistic for the transgender person and in today's health care marketplace, and need to improve.

3) The business world, both private companies and public corporations, will expand its support of transgender people working for them. This will include hiring policies, workplace amenities and health insurance coverage.

4) More hospitals will dedicate care and services to transgender people and their unique needs, from transgender minors to senior citizens.

5) The health care community will recognize the transgender needs of children and begin providing support and care earlier in life, following the lead of major children's hospitals in Philadelphia, Boston, and others.

6) Public amenities for transgender people, such as gender neutral bathrooms, will become more commonplace.

7) More celebrities will come out as being transgender, leading public acceptance of transgender people and the community overall.

8) The exceptionally high suicide rate among transgender people will come down as expanding transgender education, supportive institutions and societal acceptance become more widely available.

9) More mental health specialists, physicians and surgeons will become trained and practice transgender medicine, increasing the availability of care to more people who need it.

10) Global standards will be enhanced leading to an increase in quality of care and acceptance worldwide. For example, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has implemented a certification process for mental health professionals internationally.

Dr. Sherman Leis is one of the world's pre-eminent transgender surgeons and founder of The Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery. The Center is recognized as one of the leading facilities in the world, specializing in gender reassignment surgery, and founded by Dr. Leis to be a single source of information and expertise in medical care for the transgender patient. The Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery offers a uniquely supportive environment where one can connect with Dr. Leis' surgical and non-surgical team of dedicated specialists -- surgeons, psychologists, endocrinologists, aestheticians, speech therapists, legal experts, and others.

The Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery is located in suburban Philadelphia.

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