Weird & Weirder: Crist Accuses Fla. Senate Rival of Getting His Back Waxed

Steve Weinstein READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Ah, Florida politics. The land of the swamp and the alligator has a storied tradition of corruption. (Anyone remember Joan Crawford as a prostitute who single-handedly cleans up the Legislature?)

In the latest twist in a campaign full of them, Gov. Charlie Crist has called his arch-rival, former Statehouse Speaker Marco Rubio a "fraud" for portraying himself as a fiscal conservative when he dared pay $130 for a haircut, "or maybe," Crist added, "it was a back wax."

Politico reported that Crist's latest salvo came after reporters noted that Rubio used a credit card - paid for by the state's GOP party.

"He's trying to pawn himself off as a fiscal conservative," Crist told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News. "And yet just in recent weeks, two weeks ago, it has come out in news accounts he had a Republican Party of Florida credit card that he charged $130 haircut, or maybe it was a back wax - we are not sure what all he got at that place."

Crist was having some fun at Rubio's apparent unease at the suggestion that he had dipped into the party's till to make himself pretty.

"Initially we were told it was a haircut," he added. "And then he said it wasn't a haircut. Then he had the gall to go on Neil Cavuto's show and said it was his money. It was a credit card from the Republican Party. It was party donors' money."

Calling Rubio's statements a "detachment from reality," Crist complained that no self-respecting fiscal conservative spends more than $11 for a haircut. That's how much Crist said he pays a barber named Carl in St. Petersburg to trim his famously silver locks.

Rubio now says he has paid back the state GOP for any out-of-pocket expenses. He also accused Crist of leaking the story. Crist tried to get more mileage out of Hairgate by accusing Rubio of only backtracking after his hand was caught in the till.

Rubio's peeps aren't letting the hair grow on their backs, either. Alex Burgos, Rubio's spokesperson, responded, "Last night, Charlie Crist gave an 11-minute nationally televised interview in which he made multiple references to back waxing, but not a single mention of fighting the liberal Obama agenda. This speaks volumes about what his priorities are."

Burgos then brought up what has made Rubio the favorite - and Crist the b�te noire - of the Tea Party movement: HIs support of the Obama stimulus package.

The charge takes on another meaning when considering the longstanding rumors of Crist's sexual orientation. Most recently, a well-received movie about outing politicians centered on Crist, who is now married. Crist is also known as a natty dresser and as a politician who is always impeccably groomed.

The commenters on gossip site Gawker were having a field day with the incident. "Not a great way to establish your straight credentials, Cristy," wrote one. "No sir, there's nothin' gay about this," wrote another.

"An insult straight from the bitchy fag arsenal," wrote another. "They give themselves away in the most amazing ways." Crist's personal hygiene came in for fun: "Does Carl the Barber wax that ass?" And: "But where does Crist get his balls waxed and his asshole bleached? And for how much?"

Meanwhile, a blogger in Crist's hometown of St. Petersburg reported on a bizarre run-in with the governor. Michael Middlebrooks reported that he asked Crist if "the letters he sent to Jerusalem prevent hurricanes from hitting Florida."

Crist froze up before reportedly replying, "Who's more powerful than God?" Middlebrooks said one of Crist's supporters stuck a "Crist for US Senate 2010" sticker on him, which Crist ripped off when he told Crist he didn't believe in God. Before turning away, he told the blogger he felt sorry for him.

Oh, and for the record, EDGE contacted the Shear Joy Salon & Spa in St. Petersburg. A man's full back wax there runs $50, $60 with neck included.

by Steve Weinstein

Steve Weinstein has been a regular correspondent for the International Herald Tribune, the Advocate, the Village Voice and Out. He has been covering the AIDS crisis since the early '80s, when he began his career. He is the author of "The Q Guide to Fire Island" (Alyson, 2007).

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