Italian MP Gianluca Buonanno :: Gay Kissing a No-No


For all Americans who think we have it bad with Ted Cruz and his "Green Eggs and Ham" stunts, get a load of this guy.

According to Italian news blog, Agere per Formulas, a proposal has been put forth by Gianluca Buonanno, MP and MEP for Italy's right-wing Northern League Party to make all same-sex kissing and displays of affection in public punishable by a fine of �500 ($680 USD).

"I don't like that two people of the same-sex exchanges public displays of affection. It's a matter of respect. And I am convinced that is morally harmful for children," Buonanno said.

Earlier this week, the homophobic lawmaker praised Russian despot, Vladimir Putin for his stance on "gay propaganda."

"Gay kisses in public? No thanks. Not only. From today in my Mayor and MEP offices there will be a photo of Putin," Buonanno said.

Pink News reports that MEP Daniele Viotti had harsh words to say about his fellow lawmaker's latest stunt.

"This new decree is just the latest, pathetic publicity stunt by a narrow-minded man who desperately wants to be in the spotlight," Viotti said. "Mr Buonanno is only able to give a voice to all the worst values that, unfortunately, are still circulating in Europe."

"As always, he is focusing his political frustrations on citizens who are more vulnerable to discrimination, in this case LGBTI people [..] It would be an interesting psychological exercise to ask why Mr Buonanno is so obsessed with homosexuality."

A recent member of the European Parliament known for his Islamphoic rhetoric, Buonanno arrived at his first seating dressed in a burqa.

His past media attention grabbing stunts have included on separate occasions: wearing blackface, blowing bubbles, using the European flag as a handkerchief and bringing in a fish while addressing Parliament.

Last month, Italy's Prime Minister announced that the Italian Senate will debate a same-sex civil union bill in September.


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