British Study Shows Majority of Gay and Bi Men Abandoning Condoms


Are gay and bi men giving up on safe sex? According to a new study, they may be.

A recent survey on sex and relationships conducted by British publication FS Magazine showed that of the 3,100 men who were asked, a whopping 72 percent didn't use a condom the last time they had anal sex.

Of the men who didn't use condoms, 50% were having sex with a long-term partner. A further 20% was sex with someone who they were dating or had sex with on a regular basis.

When asked about HIV status of the men who didn't use condoms with casual partners, only 10% were HIV positive. 90% of the men surveyed who believed themselves to be HIV negative didn't use a condom with their last casual partner.

The statistics in FS's survey appeared in the Editor's letter for the October issue. It was not mentioned whether the participants were from around the globe or confined to the United Kingdom where the magazine is published.

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