Pat Robertson Approves Grandpa's Ban on Gay 'Friend' at Thanksgiving


Televangelist Pat Robertson proved today that it's never too early to pick fights over the holidays, when he lauded a viewer for banning his gay grandson's "friend" from the Thanksgiving table this year, Right Wing Watch reports.

A viewer named "Jim" wrote in to Robertson:

Our family is planning a big get together for Thanksgiving this year, and our grandson who is gay, has asked that he be allowed to bring his "friend." We have made it clear in the past that we love him and he will always be welcome to be a part of our lives, but we will not be a part of the lifestyle he has chosen.

I have told him before that the presence of his sex partners would not be welcome in our house. The recent decision made by the Supreme Court does not change God's word. Some members of the family seem to think my stance on the subject is a bit harsh, but thankfully most of them agree with me.

Am I right or should I have handled it differently? Should I allow his partner to come for holiday dinner? - JIM

Robertson's reply was far from surprising. He supported the viewer, saying he is "taking the right stand."

"Otherwise you become an enabler," he said, "and you're condoning that. The chances are there's a real good chance that he might come out of that so-called lifestyle, but if you're going along with it, he says, 'Well, mom likes it, so it's okay.'"

"He's trying to get you to affirmatively accept what he's doing and you don't want to do it," Robertson continued. "He's trying to force you to do something."

Robertson went on to liken the situation to a family member asking to bring a stripper to the dining room table.

No strippers too? Wait a minute, Pat. Didn't Jesus used to hang with prostitutes?

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