One Million Moms Say Prayers Killed Kermit the Frog, Beg for Money


Fresh off of a week where they stayed mum about the fact that their nagging failed to get the Dan Savage-inspired sitcom "The Real O'Neals" pulled from ABC's fall lineup, anti-gay media watchdog group One Million Moms (1MM) are doing a victory dance over the death of primetime Miss Piggy. Now they want money to pay the piper.

In an email sent to their 85,000 followers Monday, 1MM hailed ABC's decision to pull the ratings-bereft network TV Muppets reboot as the victorious result of their nagging and prayers. Now they want money.

"HUGE Victory! The ABC series 'The Muppets' has been cancelled! The comedy series lasted only one season after 1MM warned parents the new adaptation of 'The Muppets' was for adults only," wrote 1MM Director Monica Cole on Tuesday. "'The Muppets' got axed by ABC and won't be coming back for a second season. Praise the Lord! These accomplishments are the result of the Lord's blessing on the prayers, action alerts, email letters, and gifts from concerned and generous supporters."

Cole, looking to turn prayer into profit, quickly turned her victory dance into the requisite money grab.

"Would you help us to continue these important efforts? Please make a donation of any amount today," Cole begged. "Your gift is greatly needed for 1MM to remain strong!"

If anyone is looking to make a donation to 1MM, they won't be able to use PayPal. The anti-gay hate group is currently boycotting that service.

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