Ala. Theater Refuses to Screen 'Beauty and the Beast' Over Gay Character


A scene from "Beauty and the Beast" Source: YouTube Still via Disney

The news that Disney will feature its first openly gay character in the upcoming "Beaty and the Beast" live-action remake is sparking a lot of praise and lot of hate.

Not long after some Christian evangelists took issue with the LGBT representation, The Hollywood Reporter points out a drive-in movie theatre in Alabama is also taking issue with LeFou, played by Josh Gad, being openly gay.

Officials from the Henagar Drive-In Theatre in Henagar, Ala., announced "Beauty and the Beast" would not screen the film because of the gay character.

Taking to Facebook Thursday, the theater posted a statement regarding the scheduling.

"When companies continually force their views on us we need to take a stand. We all make choices and I am making mine ... If we can not take our 11-year-old grand daughter and 8-year-old grandson to see a movie we have no business watching it," the statement reads. "If I can't sit through a movie with God or Jesus sitting by me then we have no business showing it.

"I know there will be some that do not agree with this decision. That's fine," the statement goes on to say. "We are first and foremost Christians. We will not compromise on what the Bible teaches. We will continue to show family oriented films so you can feel free to come watch wholesome movies without worrying about sex, nudity, homosexuality and foul language."

As of this writing, the post has been shared over 1,000 times and received hundreds of comments.

"Thanks for letting me know where not to spend my money. You just go ahead and keep judging..." one user wrote.

" Because the worst thing that your child could grow up to be is gay. I am disgusted with your logic. When there's so much to be fighting for you fellow "Christians " are fighting to keep a Disney movie to be showed simply because of who someone LOVES," another added.

While many took issue with the theater's stance, some Facebook users lauded the decision.

"Your theater your right to show that you choose. Proud that you have taken a stand more Christians should. More and more the values our nation was built on are being eroded," one person wrote.

"Thank you for taking a stand for Godly principles. You are very much appreciated and there are more that agree with you and are for you than against you," another Facebook user chimed in.

Read the full statement on Facebook below and revisit the clip showing LeFou in "Beauty and the Beast."

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