A screenshot of the promotional photo for Brandon Straka upcoming fund raising event.

MAGA(Y)-Supporter Brandon Straka Plans Comeback with Stealth Fundraiser


In late January, out conservative pundit Brandon Straka was arrested in Nebraska, where he grew up, and "charged with impeding law enforcement officers during civil disorder, knowingly entering restricted grounds and engaging in disorderly conduct with intent to disturb a hearing before Congress,"�NBC News�reported.

A picture that allegedly shows Brandon Straka outside the Capitol building on January 6, 2021.
Source: AP

Straka has kept a low profile since then, but according to LGBTQ Nation, "Brandon Straka, the gay hairdresser who founded the #WalkAway movement intended to convince LGBTQ people to leave the Democratic Party and was arrested for his role in the Capitol insurrection, is plotting his political comeback."

But he didn't want the general public to know.

"The Rio Crest Winery in Guerneville, California, will host a 'relaunch' for his movement, but Straka begged his supporters to 'not share any details about this event on social media or any public forum.' Of course, it was quickly posted online," writes LGBTQ Nation.

There is no mention of the event on the WalkAway website.

Tickets to Straka's cocktail party run $100-$150 and the invitation said other donations would be solicited.

Attendees at the Lazy Beer Week in Gureneville
Source: lazy-bear-week.com

Straka's event coincides with Gureneville's biggest queer celebration – called "Lazy Beer Week," which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.

"The timing is particularly concerning, not only because of the televised hearings, but also because it comes during Lazy Bear Week, one of the town's biggest annual celebrations of gay culture – "on a weekend that is all about love,"one local told the local Sonoma County newspaper the Press Democrat.

"I'm amazed that the owners of Rio Crest would bring this hate into a community known for its inclusiveness," Michael Volpatt, a branding and marketing expert who also owns a local restaurant, told the PD. "It's also a very bad business decision. I'm also sad to see a gay person support a cause based on lies and a party that doesn't' care about the LGBTQIA+ community."

"A lot of us in town are horrified by this," said Christopher Canning, a local food server. "We knew that there was a MAGA community out here but not to the point where they would be inviting influencers into our town. There's no ifs, ands or buts about it. That's just not something that anybody that I know anticipated ever happening.
"It's actually a little bit scary, to be honest," said Canning, who is nonbinary and uses gender neutral pronouns. "This is a large LGBTQ-plus community."

In the EventBrite invitation (that Straka wanted to keep on the down low), it was written: "This is a fundraiser benefitting the 2021 relaunch of #WalkAway. In addition to ticket sales, we will be seeking to raise additional funds throughout the event to support this important movement. Please consider an additional donation on site. Cash or checks accepted.***"

It continued: "Brandon Straka and the #WalkAway team have joined forces with some of our staunchest supporters to create an intimate and exclusive fundraising tour to raise money for #WalkAway's epic comeback relaunch later this year. #WalkAway saw the most extreme wickedness of cancel culture this year, losing its platform on Facebook and being cancelled by fundraising platforms, major payment processors, emailing and marketing services, as well as the silencing of Brandon Straka."

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