Out Magazine Flubs Joel Kim Booster for Bowen Yang

Emell Adolphus READ TIME: 1 MIN.

In a seriously meta moment, Bowen Yang was mistaken for Joel Kim Booster in a Hollywood Reporter article that talked about a podcast whose subject was another article in which Yang and Booster discussed how they are always misidentified.


As reported by Daily Dot, Booster and Yang were misidentified in an article for the Hollywood Reporter.

Yang took to his podcast "Las Cultaristas," which he hosts with Matt Rogers," to decry the mixup as irony coming from a trade magazine like Hollywood Reporter and "racist bullshit" for not being able to tell the difference between him and Booster.

Then Out Magazine wrote an article attributing Yang's comments to Booster. And Booster was quick to call them out on X.

About the mix-up, he wrote, "This feels like a social experiment."

Out has since corrected its story with a clarification: "An earlier version of this story misattributed a quote from Yang's podcast to Booster. Out has corrected this error and deeply regrets this mistake."

In another tweet, Booster declared that he and Yang have promised to no longer tolerate them being mixed up.

"No more 'no worries you're okay, haha' to assuage people's guilt," he tweeted. "I still give people a lot of grace but sometimes it's good for people to sit in it."

One thing is for sure: Whether you are talking about Yang or Booster, they are both very talented.

by Emell Adolphus

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