10 Posts That Show Why Reno Gold is Still in Mint Condition

Timothy Rawles READ TIME: 12 MIN.

"Ab Fab" isn't just a short name for a popular British sitcom; it should also be the title of this photo. Gold says he has worked out every day since his time performing as a gymnast. In fact, he never gives a trip to the gym a second thought. Furthermore, he shares exercise tips on his YouTube channel so you too can have an Instagram body like his.

There's a body type that was popular in the 19th century called a wasp waist because of the hornet-like shape it gave the torso. But you had to pull a corset tight around your ribs to get it. Gold doesn't need any help with that because his body is naturally cinched that way and already packs a formidable stinger.

This photo could be captioned "Desert Gold" not because of the landscape but because Reno's bronze skin looks polished against the backdrop of the afternoon sky. Even though no one is pushing him on the swing, hydropower created by all his salivating fans drooling over his perfectly sculpted body would provide enough energy to move it.

Gold and Sean Ford share a bed in this photo that looks like a pillow fight's about to happen. But they are actually getting ready to film a scene from their movie "High Noon." Unlike the 1952 western of the same name starring Gary Cooper, this movie features a different kind of gunfight.

They call this '90s fashion trend "sagging" and it originated with hip-hop musicians. Gold is bringing that fashion back right down to the JNCO-inspired jeans. With a boho-style surfer necklace around his neck, the social media star is triggering our Y2K fears all over again.

Gold shows us some of his catlike moves in this video. Maybe it's an un-dress rehearsal for an upcoming video or him just showing off how bendy he is. Either way, his cat crawling across the bed and onto the floor might be a callback to his erotic dancing days. Years of practicing in that field have obviously given him the flexibility and strength to do his signature side splits.

In this post, Gold asks which of his two photos the viewer thinks is better. It all depends on one's point of view. In the first one, he is on his back, and in the second he's on his stomach. In both, his well-toned body looks equally good. But since this is a thirst post, you may flip-flop on your decision.

Is the grass really greener on the other side? In this case, yes. Annual overseeding is supposed to keep your lawn thick and healthy. It's not clear if that's what Gold is doing here, but we would advise him that edging is also important for a professional finish.

This popsicle looks like a prop from the "Barbie" movie. But sometimes things aren't always as they appear. We suspect this isn't a popsicle at all but an adult toy. Either way, this seems like a sticky situation in the end.

There was a rom-com in 1985 called "Perfect" starring a young John Travolta, and he wore almost these exact same shorts. Although Gold is too young to remember that film, some of his fans in the comments keep referring to him by the movie's title.

by Timothy Rawles

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