Are There Gay Ghosts?

Scott Stiffler READ TIME: 8 MIN.

The next time you feel a strange presence lurking behind you at the local gay bar, don't be so sure it's just that creep who's been hitting on you for the better part of Happy Hour. It could be a Friend of Dorothy who's passed on but decided to stay around for awhile and cop the occasional feel. It could be. . .a gay ghost. No such thing, you say? Well, think again. Edge did some homocentric paranormal sleuthing and came up with a whole new color in the flag of our proud rainbow tribe.

With LGBTs accounting for one in ten of us (and an even smaller percentage of us ending up as earthbound spirits), your chances of sighting a gay ghost are as rare as encountering a perpetually thin and sober Liza. But just because gay ghosts are rare doesn't mean they're not real. And why not? Once you wrap your head around the concept of life after death, it's no great leap to conclude that some of the spirits dwelling between this realm and the next are of the lavender persuasion.

Gay Ghosts? Hell, Yes!

Ohio-based gay ghost hunter Ken Summers has compiled what we can confidently say is the web's most comprehensive database of otherworldly queer occurrences. His website, Queer Paranormal (