
SmileDirectClub's Innovative Approach to the Perfect Smile


According to a recent survey, 56 million people in the U.S. want a better smile. Whether you want to flash those pearly whites at your next job interview or on a date, well-aligned teeth are not just for looking good. They're easier to clean, which can inhibit the tartar and plaque build-up.

Properly aligned teeth can also prevent facial muscle fatigue and more serious medical problems, such as neck pain and headaches.

SmileDirectClub celebrates its fourth anniversary this year as a the pioneer of at-home invisible aligners, which enable users to align their teeth without the look of traditional wire braces and with no office visits. Co-founded by Alex Fenkell and Jordan Katzman, SmileDirectClub is setting an industry standard and breaking the mold with a model that is both affordable and effective.

How It Works

Make a Good Impression
As Maria von Trapp sang, "Let's start at the very beginning." The first step toward a beautiful smile is to make an impression of your teeth that will be evaluated to create your personalized treatment plan.

This can be done in two ways: either with SmileDirectClub's at-home impression kit, or by visiting a SmileShop for a scan. There are more than 70 SmileShop locations nationwide - and the best part is you only have to go once for a 30-minute appointment! From there, a 3D plan is made that shows how your smile will move month by month.

Get Aligned
Now comes the fun part... do nothing! You'll receive invisible aligners that will guide your teeth into your new, straighter smile. These tight-fitting aligners are made from a smooth, clear BPA-free plastic that, when worn properly, will gently move your teeth into alignment. A state-licensed dentist or orthodontist will monitor your smile remotely throughout your plan that, on average, lasts about six months.

The invisible aligners are trimmed straight across the top (versus a scalloped edge that follows the contour of your teeth), which creates optimal turning force to straighten your teeth and eliminates the need for additional hardware. And as a bonus, bright on premium teeth whitening is included to brighten your newly aligned smile.

Those with wisdom teeth, implants or missing teeth can still potentially use SmileDirectClub. A licensed dentist or orthodontist evaluates every case, so there's no risk in taking the first step. If the doctor determines invisible aligners are not a fit for you, the cost of the impression kit is fully refundable.

Smiles Are Forever
After you've gotten your straighter smile, preserve it for the long haul with a set of retainers ($99). Worn at night, they will help keep your teeth in place. Touch-up whitening treatments can also be ordered to freshen up your pearly whites.

Affordable & Effective

Braces can cost upwards of $10,000 - a hefty expense but one that many consider paying due to the health benefits of well-aligned teeth. Fortunately, SmileDirectClub can save you up to 60 percent. There are two convenient ways to pay:

  • Single Pay -- a one-time payment of $1850
  • SmilePay� -- a $250 down payment and $80/month for 24 months

    Both plans include custom invisible aligners and premium teeth whitening.

    Have dental insurance? Most plans cover reimbursement for a portion of the cost of invisible aligners. SmileDirectClub will help you determine your benefits.

    Stay tuned for more stories coming soon as EDGE chats with one of SmileDirectClub's founders about its unique business model, as well as insider tips from a dental professional on the importance of dental care and how to maintain the perfect smile.

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