Source: SmileDirectClub

SmileDirectClub: How to Achieve and Maintain the Perfect Smile


SmileDirectClub is redefining the way people achieve confident smiles. Co-founders Alex Fenkell and Jordan Katzman met at summer camp at a time when most teens' only option for straighter teeth was a mouthful of wire. Oh, how times have changed!

SmileDirectClub's innovative, technologically advanced, and easy-to-use system of invisible aligners has steadily become an industry game changer. It's also part of growing awareness and interest towards holistic dental health.

EDGE consulted SmileDirectClub experts to explore the ways to achieve optimal results as well as the range of benefits of aligned teeth above and beyond a beautiful smile.

6 Steps to Stay on Track with SmileDirectClub

SmileDirectClub makes achieving a picture-perfect smile more accessible and more affordable than you thought possible. Once you have your aligners, follow these six essential steps to achieve optimal results.

1. Stick to your prescription. Wear your aligners all day and night, except when eating, drinking anything other than cool water, and brushing/flossing.

2. Maintain good daily dental hygiene by brushing after meals and snacks, flossing, and -- of course -- putting your aligners back in your mouth after your routine is complete. Following some of the nutrition tips described below will help too.

3. Always clean your aligners by rinsing with cold water. Hot water can warp them.

4. Don't leave home without your case, even on short, overnight trips. Keeping your aligners anywhere but their case may make them more prone to getting lost or damaged.

5. Make sure to register your aligners in your customer account at to help you track your progress while holding yourself accountable.

6. Regular dental check-ups are important. So continue to visit your dentist on a consistent basis to avoid cavities and gum disease.

Sensational Side Effects

As if achieving straight teeth discretely, affordably and in less time isn't enough, there are additional benefits of invisible aligners:

Weight Loss
With aligners in place throughout the day, SmileDirectClub customers are less likely to reach for late morning or afternoon snacks, which means fewer pastries before noon and candy bars in the afternoon. Even snackers who choose healthier options noticed they were reaching for those extra calories less often. The result: those who have reported losing weight have lost seven pounds on average. That's over a pound a month without even trying!

Knock off the Nail Biting
When lifetime nail biters become customers, they often notice that because SmileDirectClub's aligners cover both their upper and lower teeth -- and aren't designed to be worn while chewing or biting -- they have to take them out to chew on their nails, making them more conscious of their nervous habit and often allowing them to overcome it.

Stop Smoking
Overall, the most beneficial side effect is that wearing aligners helps customers reduce their daily cigarette consumption or stop smoking completely! Following SmileDirectClub protocols makes smoke breaks an uphill battle since smokers must remove their aligners and then brush thoroughly before putting them back in, a tedious process that often serves as the final aha moment that pushes them to kick the habit for good.

Better Nutrition for Stronger Teeth

Getting started is easy, but achieving and maintaining optimal oral health takes a lifetime. SmileDirectClub is committed to helping people live life with more than just straight teeth, but also healthy gums and physical health too.

Nutrition contributes to the overall health of your teeth and SmileDirectClub's blog suggests some foods and beverages that can lead to a great smile.

First, eat and drink your greens.
A 2012 study discovered that green tea not only lowers cholesterol and our weight but can boost tooth and gum health as well. Meanwhile, spinach, that wonder food, is packed with vitamins E and C, which can help prevent gingivitis.

Size counts.
Biting down on larger, full-sized nuts can be dangerous, leading to cracked teeth. However, slivers of almonds contain calcium and protein that help make your teeth stronger.

Sweet potatoes are packed with Vitamin A, which is beneficial to our salivary glands and helps prevent tooth decay.

Cheese, please.
Dairy products, especially cheese, help boost our dental plaque pH levels, resulting in fewer calories.

Very berry.
And, finally, while bright red strawberries may look like they'd be a threat to a super-white smile, they're actually doubly beneficial. Malic acid, found in strawberries, whitens enamel as you eat them, while polyphenols, another ingredient, may actually help prevent oral cancer.

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